
Pretty Little Things: Adorable Photos

Image Credit: Love This Pic
There are so many "pretty little things" in the world! If you are getting impatient and want to skip ahead, below are some adorable pictures. If you're still reading, kudos to you! If you didn't already know because you are a new reader or because you haven't read my earlier posts, I have a We Heart It account! To access it, click here! You can view my page without an account, but to follow me or re-heart my images, you must create an account. It is simple, free, fast, and fun! All you do is provide your name and email address, and you're all set! Wikipedia describes We Heart It as an "image-based social network for inspiring images. We Heart It describes itself as 'A home for your inspiration" and a place to "Organize and share the things you love."' Users can collect (or "heart") their favorite images to share with friends and organize into collections. Users can access the site through a web browser or We Heart It's iOS and Android mobile apps."
We Heart It is truly fun an easy to use. I highly recommend it! I'm prewriting this, so as of now, I have sixteen collections. I have to delete a few of them that are repeats, though. Anyways, I have one collection I call "Pretty Little Things". I wanted to share some of the pictures from that collection with you because they are adorable and images you must see!
Let's jump right on into this post!
PICTURE #1: Disney Mrs. Potts and Chip tea set (can be found on Ebay)
I find this set extremely cute. It can be found on Ebay for around $100.00. I want to get it at some point. I love Mrs. Potts and Chip from the Belle Disney movie, so this is perfect for me!
PICTURE #2: Man and woman as the princess and the frog
. | via Facebook
I find this picture very cute! It is so romantic and very fitting for any couple. I thought this was a great idea if you are dating someone, or are engaged or married.
Picture #3: Baby in a Mickey Mouse suit next to a stuffed Mickey toy
The first time I saw this picture, I was saying, "aw" because this baby in a Mickey Mouse suit is just too precious. Babies are always adorable, but this Mickey theme looks amazing.

These are my favorite images I have "hearted" on We Heart It. I will be doing more collection spotlight posts of my favorite images in my favorite collections, so stay tuned! Thanks for reading.