
Back-to-School Essentials Collab! Fan Girl (Alisha)

Hi, everyone! Before summer began, I met an amazing girl through a The Fault in Our Stars trailer video on YouTube. We started talking, and soon became really good friends! I suggested her being a guest blogger here on my blog, and she agreed! We knew back-to-school season was quickly approaching, so we decided to put together some school essentials! We wrote all about EIGHT ESSENTIALS and I wrote some party planning tips! Also, for a link to Alisha's awesome YouTube channel, go below! For more fun and future collabs here on my blog, make sure you follow me!


Hi, my name is Alisha and I have a youtube channel called 'Fan Girl' where I upload videos of my favourite tv programmes, films etc. 

I enjoy making youtube videos, reading books, playing my guitar, going to the cinema and becoming the fan of countless tv programmes like Burn Notice, The Big Bang Theory etc.

One of my all time favourite books is 'The Fault In Our Stars' and I got to see the film on 12th of June. Since then it has been my favourite film and I wouldn't hesitate to watch it over and over again.
1. Notebook In my experience, taking a notebook to school can be very handy for many different reasons. I usually use my notebook for my own personal doodles during class (making sure the teacher isn't looking and that I'm not learning anything too important) or even sometimes use it for some random notes you might want to take down during a class. In my opinion it can be a great way to pass time especially if one of your teachers decides to put on a boring video or documentary!
2. Secret stash of food I'm not a big fan of sharing food, and there's always those friends that always ask for one crisp and then take ten, so I usually like to keep my food a mystery for the times I feel a little puckish.
3. Pack of cards For the times where the teacher lets you do what you want during class, cards can be a really fun way for you and your friends to pass time quickly while having fun with a variety of different card games to choose from. I highly recommend taking cards to school especially just before holidays as it can create an enjoyable time in class rather than just doing anything and can include many people to play.
4. BOOOOOKKKKKKKSSSS Taking a book to school has proved to be quite smart idea as it can be used as a time pass during school hours, or you could even get away with reading it in class if your teacher allows. Though unfortunately, it's not very good when you reach and interesting part in the book and the teacher tells you to stop reading; especially when reading books like Allegiant or TFIOS (happened to me a lot while reading the Divergent series!)
5. Summer PARTY invitations I did this one year, and it was a big success! I had lots of friends over and set up a wading pool and an ice cream bar with all the fixings! This is where the party tips come in!
* Decorate! Check out some funky videos on YouTube such as Bethany Mota's DIY summer party video or Meredith Foster's Seventeen DIY Your Life video. You can get some ideas from these videos, but you can also come up with your own ideas! Share them with me!
Image Credit: StarSon Stuff
* Makeovers! Doing hair and makeup is always fun at a girl's night summer party. Get together with some close friends and have a blast! Check out eHow's spa party tips to have a great time with the friends.
6. SLEEPING MASK Check this out! This is PERFECT for those times you want to sleep in class! :) Just kidding! But this really is very cool. I originally found this on my friend Cathy's blog. Go follow Cathy and tell her I sent you over!
7. Photos from your summer break This is a great idea if you want to share your fun with your best friends! Plan ahead of time so you can share them all at once!
8. Washi tape This stuff can be your lifesaver! This stuff is cute and affordable, and can be used to decorate pencils and pens, as well as locker mirrors and magnets! Use this tape to decorate your binders and notebooks, your folders and pencil boxes, and much more!
Go check out Alisha's YouTube channel here! She is a big, big fan of a show called "Saraswatichandra" and makes little clips on the characters! Alisha is a sweet, sweet girl and I hope you will so subscribe and tell her I sent you (I am already subscribed myself)!
I want to give a HUGE shout out to her, because she has been so supportive of me since I met her. Thank you so much for being an amazing friend, Alisha!
Thank you for reading, and please follow me for future collabs!
~ Sanjana Ranade


Anonymous said...

Had a great time doing a collab with you Sanjana ;)

Aimee Van said...

During a library lesson, the teacher told us to pick a book to read and you have no idea how many girls took Divergent out of their bag! We were all interrupted at the end of the lesson, though. I suppose that's what happens if you read at school. I always decorate all of my stuff with washi tape haha! :) Always!

Yasmine | Cloudy Dreams

I'm now following you (via Google Plus because I can't find a GFC button)! I'd love it if you followed me, too (preferably via GFC or Bloglovin')! <3 Great post!

Unknown said...

Yikes, I wouldn't take The Fault In Our Stars to school - I would just end up crying in front of everyone! I tend to take books I have already read just in case I have to stop at an inconvenient place, which happens a lot to me too (usually halfway through a fight scene or something dramatic). I have bought 2 notebooks so far for school, as I run out of notebooks so fast. I usually write stories or ideas for blog entries in them.
I followed your blog on Bloglovin', follow mine back? :)



Unknown said...

of course I will follow you... and also, I DO have a GFC button at the very very bottom of my page, so scroll! :) Thanks for following me nonetheless. How did you discover my blog? Thanks for the feedback,

Unknown said...

Me too Alisha! XD Hopefully we can do another one sometime in the future.

Unknown said...

Thanks for following me on Bloglovin'! I will follow you back as soon as I log on in a little while. I appreciate it! Great idea of bringing books you've already read, I'll do that too this year! I'd appreciate it if you could also use google friend connect (GFC) down below at the bottom of my page to follow me, and I will do the same! I love making blogger friends! Are you on Teen Blogger Central? I am. How did you discover my blog?
~ Sanjana

Unknown said...

For any questions, contact either of us.