
13 Questions Tag

Image Credit: Top Igg
I have been very into posting tags here on my blog, so I was really excited when I found this one! I first saw this tag done on Miss Radiance's blog, but I'm not sure who it was created by. Plus, today is Friday the Thirteenth! Yes, I did this on purpose.  Let's jump on right into this tag!
1. What do you order at Starbucks?
I'm definitely not one of those people who are constantly in line at the nearest Starbuck's. However, when I see a Starbuck's, I make sure to stop in for a drink or a snack. I love their peppermint drinks, whatever they may be.
2. What's one thing in your closet that you cannot live without?
I cannot live without my sweatshirts! I have one in particular that I live in on the weekends (and sometimes on weekdays when I am lazy and don't feel like dressing up). That's really all I have to say on this matter- I am a sweatshirt girl, and I am proud.
3. What's one thing that people most likely don't know about you?
Most people outside of my family have no clue that I have a blog! My blog is something I prefer to keep a secret. If it comes up, I'll talk about it, but it's not something I will bring up in a discussion. I like to keep my online life different from my real life, because they are two completely different things. Each has it's own drama, and I don't like for them to mix.
4. Name one thing you want to do before you die.
Check out the "Bucket-List" tab at the top of my blog. It has the answer!
5. What's one food that you cannot live without?
One word- chocolate. In fact, as I type this, I am eating a chocolate orange. Yum!
6. What quote or phrase do you live your life by?
As the wonderful Talia Joy always said, "Just Keep Swimming"! Talia was such an amazing, inspirational young girl, and I miss her each and every day. We all have to stay strong for Talia, because she stayed strong for us.
7. What do you like about the blogging community?
I love seeing when people follow my blog- not for selfish reasons, to be wildly popular, but instead, to just know that strangers care about my life. It is meaningful to know that random people I will never meet care about the weird things I do, my interests and hobbies, and my quirks. It is an amazing feeling for someone to listen to you without knowing you.
8. What's your number one most-listened-to song?
At the moment, I can't stop listening to One Direction's "Night Changes". ...just how fast, the night changes...
9. What kind of style would you define yourself as having?
Casual. I'm all about the comfort!
10. What's your favorite number?
My favorite number is 8. There are many sentimental reasons why this is, but I'm not going to touch on them here.
11. What are two of your hobbies?
Two of my hobbies are reading and browsing the Internet. I'd say most of my life happens on the Web.
12. What are two of your pet peeves?
Firstly, I hate when people move their fingers up and down and say playing the piano is easy. Reality check! It's not that simple. There's a lot of work and effort that goes into playing a proper song on the piano, even if it's not an advanced song. Secondly, I hate when people say "libary" when they mean "library". They need to get rid of that pronunciation (I don't mean to offend anyone in any way)!
13. What is your guilty pleasure?
My guilty pleasure is watching too much YouTube. You have no idea how much I watch. You don't want to know either.
I can't believe how much my blog has grown recently. Don't forget that I can be found all over the Web! See the "Contact Me" page at the top of my blog to see all of my public social media! Stay tuned for more!
Love you so, so much! Good luck this Friday the 13th!
~ Sanjana Ranade

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