
Let It Snow TAG

animations christmas tree
With Christmas just around the corner, less than a month away, I was getting in the mood for some festive holiday celebration! We just put up our family Christmas tree today, like we always do in the last couple days before my Thanksgiving break finishes. With the beautiful pine in the backdrop as I blog, I figured why not answer some questions about the holidays? I found this fun tag on YouTube (from this video), and wanted to answer the questions in blog format! Without further ado, let's get started!
1. What is on the top of your Christmas wish list?
To me, the holidays, no matter what you celebrate, are not  about getting presents. They're about    spending time with the ones you love and enjoying every moment of that time. They're about exchanging memories that will last a lifetime, and about creating new ones to cherish forever. However, it is always fun to add to the festivities with a gift exchange here and there! This year, I have me eye on a makeup kit I saw a few weeks ago. I can't stop obsessing over it! :)
2. Favorite winter beauty item?
I prefer purchasing beauty products I can use all year round, but one I find especially good for the winter when your skin is very dry is the Nivea Extended Moisture body lotion. I love all the Nivea lotions and creams, but this one is perfect for dried out skin like mine sometimes becomes this time of year. Does a lotion qualify for a beauty item? If not, I really enjoy a good nail polish for the wintertime. One of my favorites is "Burgundy Frost" by Wet 'N Wild beauty (check it out here).
3. Do you prefer a sweater or a jacket?
Sweaters are cuter than jackets, but a good jacket is always perfect to keep you toasty when it is cold outside! My favorite sweaters are from Forever 21 (shop them online!) and Khol's (shop them online!).
4. Do you like the surprise of presents or do you peek?
I like the surprise! I never really ask for anything- I just like to enjoy whatever my family and friends think I will love. I usually do love what they have gotten me! Peeking spoils the Christmas spirit.
glitters merry christmas- Santa Claus sleigh5. If you could change one thing about winter, what would it be?
Winter is so perfect as it is! I just wish there was less ice everywhere, because it's no fun when you fall!
6. Favorite Christmas song?
I listen to so many holiday songs as Christmas comes closer and closer! I really like celebrity renditions of previous holiday music, but a class favorite of mine is "Jingle Bell Rock". I feel you can never go wrong with this fun song! I am currently learning how to play "The Night Before Christmas Song" on the piano! It is also a great song, but I've never heard it elsewhere. Let me know if you have!
7. Favorite Christmas decoration?
animations christmas catI get in the spirit for Christmas more than I decorate for it. I don't think I have a favorite decoration- just some small handmade stuff here and there (not to mention cute ornaments I made as a little kid!).
8. Favorite winter trend?
This is a one word answer: boots! I absolutely love boots. Mine this year are black half-calf length ones, with clasps on the side and lush faux fur as lining! They are so adorable, especially with leg warmers!
9. Favorite winter nail polish?
Haha. I should have read the questions before answering them! I touched on this in question two!  
Thank you guys so much for reading, as always, and I hope you have a great holiday season! I hope everyone gets what they want for the holiday they celebrate, and be sure to let me know what you think of my answers to these question! Not only do I tag all of my readers/followers, but I also want to tag a few specific people:
+xXFan GirlXx
+Megan K.
<3 you all.. :P
~ Sanjana

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