
How I Read! Tag

Image Credit: Dex Knows

By now, it's no secret that I love to read! I have been really into Cathy's blog, Hello Cathy, lately, and I saw in her post archive (which I am going to do on my blog) that she had done this really fun tag. She basically tagged everyone, so that means she tagged me! Someone who had done this tag on YouTube said who it was created by, but I'm honestly not sure if the person was correct.
Anyways, let's get started with the "How I Read" tag!
I have to get off-topic to say this quickly- Melissa from Melissa Flutes on YouTube is such an amazing girl who does many, many song covers on her flute! I just subscribed, and I suggest you do too! She is very pretty, too!
1. How do you find new books to read?
I find new books to read through a few different ways. Firstly, even though I don't currently have a Good Reads account, I check Good Reads! I actually want an account, though. Do any of you have accounts? I know two of my followers do. Next, I watch Book-tuber's videos on YouTube! Then, I go to Barnes and Noble's website and browse through their books. They even have a section for new releases, which has all the new popular books. I do the same for my library's website. Lastly, I actually go the bookstore or library and browse through the books myself! Not all the books I read and enjoy are brand-new releases (although most are).
2. How did you get into reading?
My mom is the person who got me into reading. I remember that she used to read me hundreds and hundreds of picture books in my childhood. My mom and dad were also avid readers when they were younger, so I guess you could say it runs in my blood!
3. How has your taste in books changed as you've gotten older?
When I was really little, I started off reading little, thin picture books. Then, as a toddler, I read picture books with captions or small words and phrases. Then, I read little chapter books. Now I read thick books that are all the rage! I used to like fantasy books or Disney princess books.  At a slightly more mature age, I read books like Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew. Now I like dystopian or realistic fiction books, like House of the Scorpion or The Fault in Our Stars.
4. How often do you buy books?
I don't buy books a lot. If I see something I must have to add to my collection, then I buy it. Usually, I just get books from my local public library.
5. How did you get into Book-tubing?
I'm not a Book-tuber! I don't make any videos on YouTube as of the moment, but I think I will start in the near future.
6. How do you react when you don't like the end of a book?
When I don't like the way a book ends, I rant about it to my parents or friends. That's how I let off my steam!
7. How often have you taken a sneaky look at the back page of a book to see if it's a happy ending?
I don't usually peek at the end of a book to see the ending beforehand. I like to pace myself and actually read till the end of books. However, if I'm getting antsy waiting for the book to end, I may take a sneak peak!
8. How many people are you going to tag, and who are they?
I am going to tag everyone who reads my blog! I don't know exactly how many people that is, although I have an estimate based on my Blogger dashboard.
Thank you for reading my blog! You will be noticing a lot of changes in the design of my blog and on my sidebar soon! I feel that a lot of you have forgotten that I have an email address you can contact me at- theredcarpetlife14@gmail.com! Also, I will soon be giving shout-outs within blog posts to the new people who have followed me on We Heart It. Thanks for following me on We Heart It! Lastly, letting you know that I love you, I'm off! Bye for now, but not for long!


Nikki P said...

I also read the Nancy Drew books when I was younger, and my mother also taught me how to read and it is one of her favorite pastimes. Reading is such a wonderful hobby to have :)

-Riley XO

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Hi Riley! How did you come across my blog? I'd love It if you could possibly follow me through BlogLovin, GFC, or a the follow buttons on the side of my blog. my gfc button is at the VERY bottom of my page, so scroll! I'd love to be friends, have you gotten my email?