
Warmer Weather, Spring Fashion, Book Talk, and more!

Hello to all my lovely readers! Before I get far into this post, I want to make sure I take a minute to wish a Happy Birthday to my beautiful Aunt. She's amazing! This week was also my cousin's birthday. She had a super special day!
Okay, now to get into the post... what's been up with me lately? The weather's been getting warmer, so remember to clean your winter gear out of your crammed closets! Spring arrived a while ago, but now it's starting to feel like it! I can't wait to go Spring fashion shopping! Here is a helpful slideshow put together by Teen Vogue introducing never-ending Spring trends! While it's great to be unique and have your own awesome style, it also feels good to be "caught-up" with what's hot.
I got flowers this week, and they look so pretty! That's another way to spice up your home for the season! Also, I went to a fun wedding this week. Congratulations to the newly weds! They played my song of the week at the reception, Rihanna's We Found Love. I think it would be great if I started talking about books I am reading at the moment or just finished in Weekly Posts as well. In my To Be Read pile this week is Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher and Dirty Little Secrets by Cynthia Omololu. I just finished The Weight of Water by Sarah Crossan, and I am working on 1001 Cranes by Naomi Hirahara. These books are amazing and such great reads! Would you like book review posts? Let me know! I ate Cheez-Its and Pop Tarts as my afternoon snack today- so unhealthy but so delicious! I make sure to balance out my junk food by eating lean foods with nutrients in it. It's also important to get plenty of exercise on a daily basis. Tonight, The Big Bang Theory is on! I love that show! That completes this post because I really have to go now, but I will see you very soon!

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